Poor Vaucanson would run for the nearest priest and volunteer for the lynch mob to do away with us.
The nearest priest got in close, lashed out with power knuckles and down she went, twisting, onto the ruined corpse of the officiator.
Seizing a cudgel from the nearest priest, he laid about him like a veritable demon as he forged his rapid way toward the altar.
A finger of flame lashed out from the barrier, and caught the nearest priest.
He grabbed the nearest green priest.
She would reject me utterly and probably report me to the nearest witch-hating priest she could find.
Everywhere-even in the work queues-commoners looked at the nearest priest, and getting no contradictory order, trotted over toward Jarles.
Being that they were papists, the best solution would be to hand them over to the nearest priest.
But the nearest priest was in Italy, as far from the homeland of these children as he was now.
And each first-day he will take it to the nearest priest to have the blessing renewed.