At one point, his show's Hooper rating, the dominant gauge of viewership, was 80.7, or 28.9 points ahead of its nearest competition.
He led the league in home runs with 48 (by a margin of 13 over his nearest competition).
Those numbers allowed the video to more than double up on its nearest competition in the publication's week survey of viral video advertisement interest.
They obviously had rough edges, by human standards, but they were head and shoulders above their nearest native competition.
As the nearest competition was several hundred million kilometers away, the management felt little need to exert itself unduly.
The winner, Nicole, beat the nearest competition by 61 points and over 13 million West Germans watched her victory on television.
This meant it had twice as many people watching it than its nearest competition, The Apprentice.
Closer to home, in Michigan, they bought out our nearest competition last year.
Frank placed first and beat out the nearest competition by 75 minutes.
A legalized coin sold for over 7.5 million dollars, making it the most valuable coin in the world, almost double its nearest competition.