Monseigneur's rooms are gorgeous, but "not a sound business" when compared with the nearby slums.
But the site is difficult and dangerous to access because of the nearby slums.
The attack caused panic in an upper-class neighborhood and at a nearby slum that was hit by stray rockets.
They sought to protect the central business district property values from nearby slums and to construct new revenue-generating structures.
One hit the presidential palace, injuring four policemen, and others exploded in a nearby slum and a working-class neighborhood.
As the semifinal match wore on, the sidelines swelled with spectators, most of them young men from the nearby slums.
People from nearby slums tried to help but the authorities did not allow them.
May 2011, it opened a free preschool program for needy children living in nearby slums while it was constructing a new facility.
The young men in white were then left to head into the narrow lanes of a nearby slum to beat up any drunks they could find.
The winds also blew garbage from nearby slums into the plant's water-intake system.