She asks Bhoothnath to accompany her to a nearby shrine to pray for her ailing husband.
In Medieval days a destination for such days out would be religious (to a nearby shrine) or commercial, for example to a seasonal fair.
I laughed to see it, and heard my voice echo in the empty depths of the nearby shrine.
Eventually, participants carry the straw to a nearby shrine, at which the bushel is cut open with a ceremonial sword.
This dish became popular here with the many pilgrims who stayed here while visiting the nearby shrine of Chalma.
The nearby shrine to Saint Jude becomes a place of pilgrimage the 28th of each month.
The keepers of a nearby obscure shrine moved the shrine to this fort.
When he was about 5, Taba had a pet kitten but was forced by his mother to abandon it at a nearby shrine.
It came to rest against the plinth of a nearby shrine.
There was a small grove in the precincts of a nearby shrine.