The family spent time living both on and off the nearby reservation.
Also, some water is diverted for domestic use and irrigation on nearby Indian reservations.
By this time the train had taken off, so the officer scheduled it for an impromptu stop as it passed through a nearby Indian reservation.
Visits with artist friends who live and work on nearby reservations provide opportunities to see and place orders for the latest work.
They settled in a community called the "Indian Village" and maintained close ties with the nearby reservation.
In particular, he began to explore possibilities for joint efforts with a nearby Indian reservation in a serious treatment of folk music.
Other nearby reservations also offered possibilities for mortgages.
Instead, he gives them to the needy Indians at a nearby reservation.
The Lee investigation was added to his lineup of drug cases, bank robberies and crimes on nearby Indian reservations.
It's located on a nearby Indian reservation which overlooks.