He battled the three men for over a half an hour before knocking all three unconscious with his nightstick and bringing in the gangsters single-handed to a nearby precinct on West Twenty-Fifth Street.
The police took her to a nearby precinct, where she was later reunited with her mother.
In recent weeks, though, police officers from a nearby precinct, to whom Mr. Dumont issued gift certificates, have been streaming in for massages.
O'Connor immediately had his men break down the doors and within 15 minutes had placed all of the men under arrest and put them "handcuffed and bleeding" in a paddy wagon to a nearby precinct.
The judge now presides at a nearby precinct, but the rowdies know he exists and tend to behave themselves.
Perhaps not every preservationist would agree that a structure reaching 1,000 feet at the tip of its mast would complement a nearby precinct of 19th-century countinghouses.
Charles G. Reuther, Chief of Detectives, said last night that an informant led an officer in a nearby precinct to Mr. Irons.
He had heard about the Riverside stranglings on the news, and from a friend who was a rookie cop in a nearby precinct.
And reinforcements were summoned from a nearby precinct.
The researchers detect no displacement of crime to nearby precincts.