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Fresh pomegranates are arriving from nearby orchards, along with grapes and apples.
I felt philosophical for a few minutes, and then realized that one of the nearby orchards was filled with apples.
That did not deter my husband, who went out and picked 25 pounds at a nearby orchard.
She fled to a nearby orchard and spent two nights in a pump house.
Bobby runs into a nearby orchard and Phil gives chase.
Then, as the song of a bird broke off in the nearby orchard, a strange roaring noise took its place.
With apples and pears ripening in nearby orchards, I would like to have seen more fruit desserts.
This year's apple crop, especially from nearby orchards, is excellent.
The group hosted a district council meeting for the organization in 1896 in a nearby orchard.
It added that 20 soldiers fled into nearby orchards after those exchanges.