It was named after the nearby mansion of Cowlairs, with both locomotive and carriage & wagon works.
Meanwhile a separate drama unfolds in a nearby mansion where a teenager has impregnated his cousin before leaving home.
Today there is a nearby mansion called Glengarry Castle Hotel.
The player's car breaks down during a rain storm, forcing the player to seek shelter in a nearby mansion.
The nearby mansion of Heathfield Park dates from the seventeenth century.
The nearby mansion now called 'Amesbury Abbey' was not part of the nunnery.
The name of the British commander was later given to a nearby mansion: Tarleton.
Meanwhile, she's falling in love with her boss, who is having the family over for Christmas at his nearby mansion.
During the beginning of the Great Depression "reliefer" families were placed in a nearby mansion, which caught fire that year.
Susan has been having nightmares about Rachel, a young girl who vanished in 1889 from a nearby mansion when her parents were killed by bank robbers.