The company then inserts a genetic "on" switch into that break that turns on a nearby gene and causes the production of the associated protein.
Cis-regulatory elements are sequences that control the transcription of a nearby gene.
This approach allows to observe the expression of reporter in transgenic animals and provides information about nearby genes that are regulated by these sequences.
The lac operator is, thus, considered to "act in cis" on the regulation of the nearby genes.
KIAA1704 is located on the positive strand surrounded by 5 nearby genes.
Methylation usually turns off nearby genes, although it is not yet precisely understood how.
In many cases the breeders who chose particular traits also inadvertently amplified nearby genes that cause disease.
The finding provided clear evidence that leukemia could result after a segment of a chromosome detached from the nearby genes that controlled its behavior.
An activator binds to a site on the DNA molecule and causes an increase in transcription of a nearby gene.
This would lead to genetic malfunction of nearby genes.