Lil called over from a nearby conversation: "Are they telling you what a pack of milksops we are, Julius?
The small group grew larger and nearby conversations ended as people overheard the question and joined in.
This "roving bug" feature has been used by law enforcement agencies and intelligence services to listen in on nearby conversations.
A fragment of a nearby conversation caught her attention.
Several steps up are cozy elevated dining nooks illuminated by silver Art Deco lamps that make great perches for eavesdropping on nearby conversations.
These pay phones also have circuitry to suppress some extraneous noise, whether from nearby conversations or from passing traffic.
A scrap of a nearby conversation: Now they're saying the Pentagon's been hit.
Other diners were at our elbow; we could follow at least two nearby conversations.
Wandering ... wandering ... He came back from each thought with a start to pick up shards of the nearby conversation.
As we waited for the curtain to rise on "Evita," my husband, son and I eavesdropped on nearby conversations.