He finds a silver dollar on the ground and decides to use it in the slot machine of a nearby casino.
The Fleshers celebrated with a $5.99-per-person steak and lobster dinner at a nearby casino.
Henri suggests that they all go dancing at a nearby casino.
His weapon had no silencer, and it was loud enough to momentarily suppress all noise from the nearby casino.
Now, many residents work in the nearby casinos but still need two jobs to make ends meet.
They're digging a tunnel to a nearby casino, where a fortune awaits.
The $475 rent was paid by Chip, who worked 10 hours a day parking cars at a nearby casino.
He said trips will probably not be offered to the two nearby casinos.
They also worry that theft and other problems, on the rise since the opening of the nearby casinos, may also increase.
He didn't want to stick around and go to college or take at job at the nearby casino where many of his friends worked.