The enterprise ended with the oysters being dumped into a nearby bay because they could not get the venture off the ground.
This debris provides sediment, transported through longshore current for the nearby bay.
Keller led Newman over to a nearby empty bay, asking him what kind of work he wanted done.
Its nearby bay is to the south.
Newmont has denied that waste from the mine in Minahasa polluted a nearby bay or surrounding areas.
Requirements to install sewage treatment facilities to alleviate pollution to nearby bays in the 1970's forced farmers who couldn't afford compliance out of business.
The village is sometimes called Alitak, after a nearby bay.
The small cannons and boats that should have been situated at the nearby bay were gone.
Similarly, Curitiba has a nearby bay that was a dumping ground that would be extremely costly to clean up.
He anchored in a nearby small bay until morning.