On a brief stroll through the nearby alleyways we counted 70 bonfires and spirits were rising.
Then following his beckoning hand into a nearby alleyway.
But when he returned to the nearby alleyway - marked "no parking" and "fire lane" - the tow truck was already pulling away.
He turned and sprinted into the nearby alleyway to avoid the tree dwellers.
Taking his cue from the dog, Sammy turned and sprinted toward the nearby alleyway.
They were intercepted a block away, by two swiftly moving figures who neatly knocked them unconscious and spirited them into a nearby alleyway.
A figure stood in the opening of a nearby alleyway, cowled and robed all in white.
There were no nearby alleyways, the fugitive's friend.
After demanding to see his discharge papers, a group of police officers, including Shull, took him to a nearby alleyway, where they proceeded to beat him repeatedly with nightsticks.
One of its largest apartments in the southwest corner was known as the "Cow Palace" and a nearby alleyway was known as "Chinatown".