With the revitalization of the old section of nearby Pasadena, it became more and more difficult for downtown establishments to compete for a dinner crowd .
The band has marched in the Rose Parade in nearby Pasadena fourteen times, most recently in 2012.
By this afternoon, embers from that fire had touched off brush fires in nearby Pasadena, burning a dozen homes, and in Glendale.
Cannell was born in Los Angeles, California, and raised in nearby Pasadena.
In 1948, he returned, this time as a student at California Institute of Technology in nearby Pasadena.
Students at Occidental can take courses at the California Institute of Technology in nearby Pasadena free of charge.
Carroll was born in Los Angeles and raised in nearby Pasadena.
In Los Angeles, a woman named Rye decides to seek out her only remaining relatives, a brother and his family in nearby Pasadena.
Astronomers would be able to see Polaris more clearly than nearby Pasadena.
He was 76 and lived in nearby Pasadena.