The nearest interchange is with SR 50 in nearby Oakland.
Mott was born in San Francisco on January 21, 1866, but his family moved to nearby Oakland when he was two years old.
They soon found new residences, with Schwarzenbach moving to nearby Oakland where he began writing lyrics for the band's third album, 24 Hour Revenge Therapy.
The business started in Berkeley, moving to nearby Oakland in the early 1990s.
One of his frequent local competitors on the streets was Ed Elisian, a teenage boy from nearby Oakland, California.
The parish is famous today as the childhood place of worship for the artist Andy Warhol and his family, who lived in nearby Oakland.
Operations were quickly reorganized using Monterey, and a recently closed Naval air station and former Naval hospital in nearby Oakland.
Students, in turn, said the perpetrators were largely teen-agers from nearby Oakland and Fremont, both predominantly black communities.
Madill has a zip code of 73446 which includes nearby Oakland.
The plan, commissioned by city officials, was tossed aside after the earthquake in a rush to rebuild and dissuade businesses from fleeing to nearby Oakland.