Left in place, the controls would discourage investors from building new power plants - which, along with fixing perverse incentives under deregulation, is the best near-term solution to California's energy crisis.
This has caused investors to shift funds from dollars to marks to earn higher interest rates, and analysts do not see any near-term solution.
Some sources agree that a near-term solution for the greenhouse gas emission problem may lie in cofiring.
Sprint chose WiMax, which was a near-term solution for which it had enough spectrum to deploy right away.
Popp and Friz then agreed to a near-term solution of redesigning the Helios to make it more saleable and a long-term solution of an all new motorcycle design.
A near-term solution is available through better regulation.
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approached DARPA and asked for near-term solutions that could be applied to the conflict in Iraq.
Senator Bowen said that the near-term solution was for the federal government to place caps on wholesale prices.
For bankers, an attempt to increase lending by fiat is the least desirable of any near-term solution.
How to break out of this bind may simply not have a near-term solution.