He had a Democratically controlled Congress with a nuclear vote in the Senate and he lost a near-record number of jobs!
After years of the uprising and then the Persian Gulf war, tourists have returned to Israel in near-record numbers.
On the basis of a near-record number of applications for absentee ballots, officials say there will be a high turnout.
At 6 a.m. on Aug. 4, it reopened to a near-record number of visitors, but 12 hours later it was evacuated again.
In near-record numbers, Virginia voters turned out on January 9 to approve the call for a constitutional convention by a 2-to-1 margin.
By Wednesday, a near-record number of callers had phoned the Capitol to register their opinions.
L. William Seidman blamed weak real estate markets and a near-record number of bank failures for what would be the fund's third consecutive annual loss.
This series of presidential debates may have drawn near-record numbers of viewers, with an estimated 63 million tuning in to the first one.
Throughout coastal waters off North Carolina, king mackerel appeared in near-record numbers, improving the local fishing industry.
The Police Department - with near-record numbers of officers - had a chance to mobilize a visible presence in almost every corner of the city.