The event provided an energetic kickoff to the proceedings and achieved a near-legendary status among riot grrrls, becoming known simply as "Girl Night".
The ABC warriors' original Mars mission has passed into near-legendary status, with most believing the warriors to be long since dead before their return.
Once, in an incident that has since assumed near-legendary status, the argument became so intense that Mr. Clinton punched Mr. Morris.
Despite amateur production and scarcity, these zines quickly achieved a near-legendary status among their audience.
Highly charismatic and an inveterate prankster, Jeffrey once again achieved near-legendary status both within and without the musical community.
Mrs. Martino said she was not intimidated by Mr. Griffin's near-legendary status and deep roots in the area.
When word got out of their exploits, Angel received near-legendary status in Venezuela.
Since then, both the storyteller and his stories have acquired a near-legendary status.
Their annual Easter party, which they have been giving for eight years, has attained near-legendary status.
The 1964-1966 Chrysler Imperial achieved near-legendary status for its crashworthiness, and is still banned from most derby events.