Despite the near-freezing temperatures outside, he was dressed in jeans and a bright short-sleeved shirt that you might wear to a summer barbecue with friends.
Occasional near-freezing temperatures can occur on winter's coldest nights, but this is somewhat rare.
Residents of Changureh, however, complained that tents, food, and medicine had not reached them, after waiting in near-freezing temperatures.
The near-freezing temperatures meant that the snow cover lasted for over two months in some areas.
Local authorities restored electricity to several hospitals and clinics, where many of the injured had shivered through the night in near-freezing temperatures.
In the only public viewing, hundreds of thousands lined up in near-freezing temperatures to view the casket.
This is a large sized, cold to cool growing plant that can withstand near-freezing temperatures.
In experiments, dogs cooled to near-freezing temperatures have fully recovered after more than two hours without blood circulation.
He'd been pistol-whipped and left shoeless in near-freezing temperatures; he was almost dead.
In order to bloom, the plant needs a chilling period at near-freezing temperatures.