When the rest of the council members only continued to mill around, Tylmaurek raised his voice to a near shout.
His voice rose to a near shout.
It rose suddenly to a near shout, then dropped, the tone still bitter.
The volume of Alexander's voice rose to a near shout.
Pratt was again pronouncing the name on the body drawer, in a near shout as though volume added to clarity.
The conversation, hitherto conducted in a low voice, had suddenly amplified itself into a near shout.
He had to raise his voice to a near shout to carry through the tumult of rain, wind, creaking timbers, and waves.
Panic, struggling awake through his confusion, lifted his voice to a near shout.
"I'm not telling you anything, " Robertson answered in a near shout.
Jack's voice rose to a near shout.