And she certainly doesn't tell her that the memory of that near loss is responsible for today's frantic house-calling pace.
Officials pronounced the lemon crop a near total loss in the valley and said perhaps half the state's orange crop was lost as well.
They also point to the public mandate of the 2005 election, during which the only anti-privatization party suffered a near complete loss.
She tried to cure hair problems with magic, resulting in the near loss of souls of most of her friends.
This turns a near certain loss into a loss of a few victory point.
I had done a foolish thing, and paid for it with the near loss of my own life and perhaps that of my secretary.
He then challenges Anderson, who because of his near loss has also trained extensively.
An unexpected solar flare hit our craft, resulting in a near complete loss of data from every system onboard.
It mentioned the near total loss of all Japanese soldiers and civilians on the island and the use of "human bullets".
Making the continuation of football even more difficult was the 600-student school's near loss of academic accreditation early this year.