The reaction to the tax increase caused the near defeat of Senator Bill Bradley, a Democrat, in last November's election.
They were men who wanted to revenge a near defeat, and the sound of their vengeance as they scrambled up the shot-mangled steps was bloodcurdling.
Burgoyne's surrender, coupled with Howe's near defeat at Germantown, dramatically altered the strategic balance of the conflict.
We won, Thaen, but it was a costly victory, and a near defeat.
McMurphy is weary and near defeat; the Chief has gained strength.
It wasn't just the defeat, how near and yet so far away.
He'd snatched another victory from near defeat.
While the king has a strong past as a bold leader, he now faces a near defeat; his fame on the decline.
Desperate and near defeat, Leroy and Mary Margaret share a drink at Granny's.
But the scar of his near defeat over the draft lingered, a silent inhibition that consistently held him back from aggressive military commitment.