He stopped at a small apartment house on 57th Street near 10th Avenue.
The building, on a 10,750-square-foot site near 10th Avenue, is replacing two warehouses.
It hung from the south side of 43rd Street near 8th Avenue.
She wanted a good place in line at a audition hall on 42d Street near 10th Avenue.
It turned out to be a 2- x 8-foot plot of ground near 6th Avenue and 63rd Street.
One has already been erected near Fifth Avenue, although it is not yet open.
Spreckels Lake is located on the northern side of the park near 36th Avenue.
On 98th Street, near 37th Avenue, five garages are squeezed between an apartment building and a row house.
They settled for a 47,000-square-foot building at 570 West 34th Street, near 11th Avenue, that used to house offices.
Its only message is, Don't go anywhere near Fifth Avenue.