The official added that a formal inquiry by naval investigators is continuing and could result in fewer or no marines being charged.
Three days later, naval investigators announced that a crewman, named unofficially as Dmitry Grobov, had turned on the system "without permission or any particular grounds".
Admiral's aide," while another "grabbed me by the buttocks with such force that it lifted me off the ground and ahead a step," she later told naval investigators.
New Grist for Critics Sixty-nine percent of naval investigators have five years or less on the job.
Mrs. Kubicina said she believes that the naval investigators might have viewed her brother as unstable because of his strict religious upbringing.
On 13 November, naval investigators announced that a crewman had turned on the system "without permission or any particular grounds".
He said the Government witnesses, particularly naval investigators, "did more to establish our case than we really could do by trying to establish it ourselves."
Coburn made remarks on Euphoric Reality during the case that were in direct contradiction of his statements to naval investigators.
Mrs. Kubicina said naval investigators had searched her brother's room at home, taking photographs and letters.
Mr. Truitt said he had been questioned for six hours by naval investigators.