After postponing the naval invasion he chose to also postpone the decision until after he returned from Jerusalem.
Sumter was the key position to preventing a naval invasion of Charleston, so Carolina could not afford to allow federal forces to remain there indefinitely.
The naval invasion had been driven back into the sea.
However, soon he had to confront a naval Gothic invasion on northern Asia Minor.
He launched naval invasion against Srivijaya and unsuccessfully tried to capture Palembang.
Then another, even more numerous army of invaders started a second naval invasion of the empire.
Sheerness began as a fort built in the 16th century to protect the River Medway from naval invasion.
Allied forces liberated the islands from Japanese control in 1944, in a naval invasion.
In 990 he launched naval invasion against Srivijaya and unsuccessfully tried to capture Palembang.
The resulting halt of the larger British force allowed Baltimore to organize its defenses against a later attempted naval invasion.