Later there is revenge: a naval destroyer dive-bombs a plane in a 1976 drawing.
Think of an act of war: a torpedo is fired at a naval destroyer or a mortar round at an infantry platoon.
At midnight Coast Guard cutters and naval destroyers began the huge job of reassembling the convoys again.
He will have to define what this means, most immediately in responding to Taiwan's requests to buy submarines and advanced naval destroyers.
In a fight, the Anna Libeling could hold its own against anything but the largest naval destroyers.
Nor, despite strong pleas from the captain of the naval destroyer, did Pias explain exactly how he had managed to turn the tables on his attackers.
Al Qaeda was about to strike against the Cole, an American naval destroyer, in Yemen.
Supporting fire by naval destroyers was far too light to have much effect.
No longer are rival nations the primary threat - a type of warfare that calls for naval destroyers and fighter jets.
Sometimes, an American naval destroyer or submarine would try to down the player's plane with AA fire.