The battle of Weihaiwei would be a 23-day siege with the major land and naval components taking place between 20 January and 12 February 1895.
"The naval component of the military might of states should not be singled out from the overall disarmament effort," he said.
The naval component of the base will have 72 staff members.
Schleswig-Holstein was assigned to the naval component of the invasion force.
It was soon realized that a naval component was needed to complement the land-based guerrilla forces.
As a squadron commander, he directed the naval component of Opération Baliste in 2006.
A new factory to assemble delicate naval components was to be built on the estate.
The Admiralstab ordered the naval component to return to the North Sea.
Under the Force 2020 plan the naval component may eventually be expanded to a light patrol force equipped with corvette-sized ships and landing craft.
Austria's forces peaked at about 576,000 and had little or no naval component.