Baron Hardup was quite kind but let Tinders get away with all sorts of naughty behaviour and should have locked her in the kitchen.
My guess is that her naughty behavior is a bid for Gideon's attention.
They may show their distrust and distress in many ways, including 'naughty' behaviour, nightmares, or being quiet and withdrawn.
In order to combat this, her parents were instructed to ignore any 'naughty' behaviour and speak to Suzy only when she was eating properly.
A smack terminates the child's naughty behaviour, thus bringing relief to the harassed parent.
For example, she has been banned from four different Christmas grottos because of her naughty behaviour.
Arguments and tension rise throughout the 3 episodes and eventually following her strange and naughty behaviour, little Emily is killed.
For instance, the disclosure of the naughty behavior of Jim Bakker drew outrage from many quarters.
The sister who raised her tied a rope around her neck at night as punishment for naughty behavior.
The offense: naughty behavior on the court.