Abo was the one boy in the bachelors' house who didn't seem to accept the communal nature of her position.
For that reason, and by nature of his position, Jackson is the most important player.
The nature of the siphuncle and its position within the shell are important in classifying nautiloids.
He was glad for Orlene's success and he had known the nature of his position from the outset.
He offered an eloquent argument for the tenuous nature of Microsoft's dominant position in the industry.
The illogical nature of my position did not strike me.
Unfortunately, by the very nature of my position I can achieve only an ap-proximate justice.
This is not his fault, but rather the nature of his position.
Owing to the peculiar nature of his position, such a disclosure as this would ordinarily create no difficulty.
His friends now wondered at the cleric and very official-looking nature of his position.