The porous nature of meerschaum draws moisture and tobacco tar into the stone.
As they travel, her wisdom helps increase his profits, but at the same time, her true nature draws unwanted attention from the Church.
The rush release and political nature of the tracks also draws comparison to Young's 1970 song "Ohio".
But more than just the town's bucolic nature and variety of housing have drawn residents to the area.
No experiment can tell, because nature draws no line between living and nonliving.
Her congenial and affable nature easily draws viewers to her.
She knows that Kyle uses meth and other drugs but his loving nature has drawn her in.
Its waterlogged nature draws a steady stream of visitors, but also makes it vulnerable to costly flooding.
His personal courage was unsurpassed and his genial nature drew one to him.
But that begs the question of where nature draws the line.