A viewer naturally wonders how Jones got permission to take these pictures.
And I was naturally wondering who exactly was in your sights when you said that.
And every time they do, video buyers naturally wonder why they're charged as much as $30 for other films.
When he and I happened to be left together he naturally wondered, after having seen the beautiful wife, where the lucky husband might be.
Like the rest of us, farmers naturally wonder how the neighbors are doing.
Everyone naturally wonders if there is something else coming from Bonds, something more amazing than what he has shown.
He'll naturally wonder whether Paul came back to tip me off.
Americans naturally wonder whether foot-and-mouth will appear in this country and what has kept it out for nearly 80 years.
Those who saw and read these pessimistic forebodings naturally wondered if all had gone awry.
Needing a break, a viewer might naturally wonder: What could be worse?