The story that you told of crossing millions of miles of space from another world is, of course, preposterous and naturally aroused our suspicions.
This dominance naturally aroused anger amongst these neighboring states, and Sparta's allies proved themselves willing to rise up against their overlord on several occasions.
"His ugly, stubborn attitude naturally aroused the indignation of many observers," the Chinese news agency reported at the time.
One that naturally arouses a reader is the author's prediction of the role of books and newspapers in the digital future.
History naturally arouses curiosity, raises fundamental questions, and generates speculation; iii) to help to give pupils a sense of identity.
"Their flagrant intervention in China's internal affairs naturally aroused great indignation among the Chinese people," the official New China News Agency said.
This interference on the part of the civic authorities naturally aroused great opposition to him in the congregation, and Aryeh Loeb was deposed in 1724.
A fact which naturally aroused only laughing comment on the rough trader's bashfulness.
The deaths naturally arouse the emotions of Palestinians right across the West Bank and Gaza.
They had found an earth-wasp's burrow and were hunting grubs, naturally arousing the rightful inhabitants to bitter resentment.