In other interviews, he explained that they played into his belief in the need for pop stars to have "bigger than life" public images, and were a reaction against the "naturalistic" look of the 1990s.
The result was the park's current naturalistic look and feel, with acres of meadows and forests, in a manner similar to Olmsted's earlier designs of Central Park and Prospect Park.
In 1989, Bob Williams made a video version of the musical, keeping it true to the original play, and setting it on a stage as opposed to giving the movie a more naturalistic look.
Starting around 1900, the dolls began to have a more naturalistic look to them as a result of the white man's interest and trade.
A naturalistic look continues to hold sway among gardeners keen to keep up with the times.
WITH an expertise in plants and an interest in nature, Sharon Slocum says her work is characterized by "a more naturalistic look and a sensitivity toward creatures and the environment."
Mrs. Bacri's aim was to develop a series of vases and goblets with a strong naturalistic look.
He does not work, except when people are looking, and only then when the observer has a green, naturalistic look, and seems to be taking notes.
A vertical accent and naturalistic look is added by shore edge plants whose roots must be covered with an inch or more of water, and bog plants whose roots continually need moist soil.
The painting is arranged diagonally, with loose and fine brushstrokes giving it a naturalistic look.