By contrast, Thales attempted to find naturalistic explanations of the world, without reference to the supernatural.
Science has accomplished great triumphs through the use of purely naturalistic explanations.
Young criticizes that naturalistic explanations depend on a historical critical worldview.
Non-believers and some liberal Mormons have advanced naturalistic explanations for the story of the plates.
Their preconception that, as science has advanced, phenomena once considered supernatural have yielded to naturalistic explanation, is not without support.
For them, naturalistic and historical explanations are always preferable to supernatural ones.
Gersonides believed that astrology was real, and developed a naturalistic, non-supernatural explanation of how it works.
This turn from a supernatural to a naturalistic explanation is considered a major break in the history of medicine.
In the United States some religious communities have refused to accept naturalistic explanations and tried to counter them.
Even our most naturalistic explanations are going to sound mystical to them.