He also employs naturalistic effects of light and color combined with a variety of colors and patterns.
In fishkeeping it is traditional to aim for a very naturalistic effect to the aquascape, but why should this be so?
The naturalistic effects are both startling and poetic.
So did the people seated around the table, although the way the late arrivals kept popping into existence in their chairs somewhat spoiled the naturalistic effect.
Their goal was to train India's artists to work toward a more naturalistic effect, leaving behind centuries-old traditional Indian imagery.
Listening to his performance on Thursday, one was more immediately taken with Mahler's expansive structure and his use of orchestral color to create naturalistic effect.
Lightbown notes this as "another sign of care for naturalistic effect".
The mosaics are notable for their grand scale and elaborately patterned borders, and the brilliance of their decorative and naturalistic effects.
To convey a naturalistic effect, he recorded the characters talking over each other, allowing the audience to hear only scraps of dialogue.
The use of shading in the painting conveys a sense of mass and volume which enhances the naturalistic effect of the scene.