Stepped slopes of the rejolladas may have acted as natural terraces.
Smaller offices' clustered around it on the natural terraces and levels below and above.
Terrace 7 is a natural terrace that supports a part of the North Group.
Terrace 8 is another natural terrace in the North Group.
The rock is inaccessible on these three sides; although it is accessible from the north over a natural terrace.
The rail-road is upon the edge of the water along this natural terrace.
There was a natural terrace, tined with thin copses of.
Nozarego is a natural terrace over the Bay of Tigullio.
This natural terrace (600m) soars above the historic centre of Varallo (450m).
It was constructed on an elevated, 80m long natural terrace along the cliff which towered over the north of the city.