In selecting the explorers, the natural temptation is to ask: Who has the best chance of pulling through the three-year ordeal?
In my experience, one hurdle can be the reporter's natural temptation to minimize any motives that raise bias questions about a keystone source.
"The 'no comment' position in this context is well established and you should avoid the natural temptation to interpret beyond it."
There's a natural temptation to set your prices low to attract customers.
"I have a natural temptation to emphasize the unusual," Simon told me.
When you have a bad spell, the natural temptation is probably to become tied up in excuses.
Sometimes these poor boys, beset by a natural temptation, secrete a portion of their daily earnings.
"There's a natural temptation to try to put things together over long time periods," he said, "but we have to be cautious."
He turned it over and over, and felt the natural temptation to open it.
Because the Government is restricting the numbers that can go public, there is a natural temptation to offer bribes.