For all its natural splendor, the city is ever-sensitive about its image.
After about an hour's quiet appreciation of this natural splendor, it is time to return to the forest underworld below.
For $7 a night, an island off Thailand is a place of natural splendor.
Once can actually remember what the oceanfront looks like in all its natural splendor, without the ruckus of human presence.
But the state's natural splendor masks a brutal, often desperate battle against extinction.
It's one of those places that makes up Australia and speaks of this country's natural splendor.
"It's time to restore the Peaks to their natural splendor."
Environmentalists say these people often serve as protectors of the natural splendor.
The natural splendors encompass almost every sort of terrain to be found in the metropolitan region.
Nogusta rode on, lost in the natural splendour of this high country.