If we start up those drives, the only way they'll ever slow down again is at their own natural rate.
But fourteen billion dollars, or anything else that God ever made, has a natural rate of swing.
Or is its natural rate somehow far below everybody else's?
By the end of the 1980's, some economists thought the natural rate hovered around 7 percent.
Unemployment has been very low and is now near what economists call a "natural" rate.
But I'll estimate you're aging at about a third the natural rate.
With success, the speed may be increased until a natural rate of smooth speech is achieved.
Until recently, economists thought this natural rate was about 6.0 to 6.5 percent.
Unemployment rose above its natural rate to a peak of 7.6 percent in June 1992.
The profits of mining would for some time be very great, and much above their natural rate.