Finally there is one ancient, natural poison that can plague an inexperienced feline.
These "natural" poisons tend to kill only targeted pests, cause fewer pollution problems, and be harder for insects to develop a tolerance to than synthetic chemicals.
Toxin weapons are natural poisons made by living cells.
Omnivorous creatures who are designed to be immune to most natural poisons.
Similarly, fluoroacetate is a potent natural poison while dilute acetate in water is vinegar.
"I would suspect the presence of catalyzing impurities in the natural poisons," Gersen suggested, "rather than metaphysical as- sociation."
Among cyanotoxins are some of the most powerful natural poisons known, including poisons which can cause rapid death by respiratory failure.
Xenobiotics such as synthetic drugs, natural poisons and antibiotics are detoxified by a set of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes.
These substances are present in great excess, or are natural poisons.
Our spells will defeat any natural poison.