Even Balenquah could spit out appropriate answers; despite his more glaring personality defects, he was a natural linguist and Zainal hoped to use him to accompany Kris on her buying missions.
A natural linguist, Gerry was sometimes taken for a native speaker, perhaps an Austrian, people said, whereas my tin ear and thick tongue proclaimed me unmistakably American.
A natural linguist.
His Shoshone wife Wi-no-na is a natural linguist.
A natural linguist, Dr. Cifarelli read, wrote and spoke four languages.
He was a natural linguist and was educated at New York University where his father was emeritus professor of surgery.
Toru Dutt was a natural linguist and in her short life became proficient in Bengali, English, French and, later on, Sanskrit.
He was obviously a natural linguist, a gift which he put to good use in his various polyglot dictionaries.
He was a natural linguist, and he kept notebooks, making a scientific study of the workers' slang or argot, until he could talk quite intelligibly.
Anticipating her time to leave America and be a Christian missionary abroad she studied different languages and was said to have been a "natural linguist."