The island is regarded as a natural laboratory for the study of the evolution of species.
Perhaps the biggest draw, though, is the intact natural laboratory that no other leading wildlife program can claim.
It has been noted that "People with temporal lobe epilepsy provide a natural laboratory for the study of human memory."
It is a natural laboratory used to study, research and teach about sustainable freshwater ecosystems.
Only on Atlantis where humans had been isolated for so long, could they find the perfect natural laboratory.
Providing a natural laboratory to help understand climate change.
The extreme conditions in Yellowstone's hot springs, however, kill other life forms and make the pools an ideal natural laboratory.
The area has been described as a natural laboratory for studying the evolution of the eucalypts.
The preserve now is at least as much natural laboratory as recreational area.
In humans, strokes have long provided a "natural laboratory" for studying the effects of brain damage.