We're humanitarians, working to make the world a better place by allowing the natural harmony and rhythms of the region to develop.
Its pure national character is also expressed in the composer's inclination to the "natural" and "native" harmonies.
The lyrics were not written to make up a concept album but are in natural harmony and mirror the human inner world through personal impressions.
It was to portray the natural racial harmony that could be found between the children in the local schools.
The grass swept right up to the walls, emphasizing the impression of natural harmony.
My pond was finally on its way to becoming a place of natural harmony and balance.
In the beginning these two factors are in a natural harmony, but the one doesn't have conscious access to the other.
The disruption of the natural harmony is, after ah*, their pleasure.
She had to bring everything back together again, recreate the natural biological harmony that made her a functioning human being.