She'd been electric, with her slim, natural elegance and her total vitality.
Her natural elegance is balanced against equal measures of self-satisfaction and lascivious speech.
Tall, with long brown hair, huge eyes and high cheekbones, she has a classic beauty that blends into the natural elegance of Paris.
Up here he was a king, with a king's powers, a king's natural elegance of mind and behaviour.
The woman moved toward her with a natural elegance made slightly awkward by advanced pregnancy.
Though he came from a prairie village, Jim had fastidiousness, a natural elegance.
Though he had dressed in a minute, he looked perfectly put together with all his natural elegance.
She had a natural elegance, always perfectly dressed with every hair in place up to the very end.
There was a natural elegance to the sound and an attractive grace in the music-making itself.
He also admires the writing of the late William Maxwell for its natural elegance and deeply felt humanity.