Each of the columns were made from individual tree trunks, initially just stripped of their bark with the natural curvature largely left in.
I use the lines, the natural curvature of the petals to form the basis of a first sketch.
Perhaps the most simple and intuitive driving force in membrane curvature is the natural spontaneous curvature exhibited by some lipids.
A terrain mask refers to the natural curvature of the earth.
With cadastral surveying, Twichell's east-west survey lines corrected for the natural curvature of the earth's spherical surface.
She tapped, with an antler hammer, mostly in the center of the bone where a small natural inward curvature was found.
A hay fork uses the natural curvature of tree branches for its prongs and the tips are reinforced with horns.
On his left it followed the natural curvature of the wall and he traced its audible details around to the very origin of the perfect sounding tones.
This helps to maintain an appropriate amount of natural curvature (lordosis) in the cervical spine.
Because of this, they have a natural curvature and it is this curvature that allows them to be guided.