The native of Oklahoma received bachelor of arts and master's degrees in architecture from Oklahoma State University.
From then on, the gifted native of Bandung, Indonesia, received encouragement from the organization.
The natives receive health care from the private sector.
The native who sold his labor received a wage, determined by the justicia mayor.
In exchange for gold, mahogany, their own people and other local items, the natives received clothing, blankets, spices, sugar, silk and many other items.
All the types of servitude imposed on the natives, such as mita and yanaconazgo, were abolished, and the natives received citizenship.
Many West-African natives, such as Seedies and Kroomen, served on European ships, and received regular pay, which greatly enhanced their status back home.
The natives of the region received in a jubilant and cordial way to the first Spanish who came into Amazonas.
Slay, a 24-year-old native of Amarillo, Tex., received the loudest cheers from his home state crowd.
Homosexuals, immigrants, the poor and a dark-skinned native of India all receive their share of abuse.