Caloscordum is a genus that consists of five species of perennials native to China.
They are evergreen perennials, native mainly to Brazil, grown for their attractive, often variegated foliage.
A small genus of mostly herbaceous flowering plants with corms, they are perennials native to Mexico.
Native Plant Border - native perennials, shrubs, and small trees.
Joe-Pye weed and some other equally attractive native perennials, such as ironweed, are losing their accustomed habitats.
Garden staff work from a straw bale shed also with a green roof of native perennials.
Although there is an initial cost for plants, native perennials need little upkeep and do not need annual replenishment.
She planted native perennials to attract birds and butterflies and several fruit trees.
Carphephorus is a genus of seven herbaceous perennials native to the southeastern United States.
To me, it brings to mind a stunning array of native perennials.