Teiidae is a family of lizards native to the Americas, generally known as whiptails.
The Xenosauridae is a family of lizards native to Central America and China.
Fortunately, he said, not much, although a few species, like the Tokay gecko from India, are quite aggressive and prey on native lizards.
The Gerrhosauridae is a family of lizards native to Africa and Madagascar.
The genus Paradelma contains glossy brownish grey legless lizards, native to Australia.
She said she made inquiries and learned that Long Island doesn't have native lizards.
Gerrhosaurus is a genus of lizards native to southern and eastern Africa.
The Tropiduridae are a family of iguanid lizards native to South America and the West Indies.
Anguidae is a large and diverse family of lizards native to the northern hemisphere.
Amphibolurus is a genus of lizards native to Australia.