He then arrived at Malagash harbour where the natives held five of the fishing vessels along with twenty prisoners.
In 1942, only 230 Indonesian natives held a tertiary education.
That was the secret which the natives of Chinatown held among themselves.
The two natives held Vanessa as the man spoke to her.
The natives hold the former in great terror, while with the latter they run risks which are sometimes fatal.
Once the sun had set, the natives held their last gathering in the sapling fort.
The natives hold 27 acres 1 rood which render 27s 41/2d.
Migrants and natives held differing beliefs, but over time the boundaries between those belief systems blurred.
How do you interpret the obvious terror in which these natives hold Tazenda?
Ignoring the hoist, one native had picked the tube up and was holding it exactly in place on the Mayfield.