These smaller townships and homesteads were almost always founded to harvest a valuable native crop or mine some mineral.
Kokumo has since become a scientist, studying how to prevent locust swarms from attacking native crops.
One native crop is the growing of vanilla beans.
Studies by the National Academy of Sciences have suggested great promise in relying on native crops as a means to improving Africa's food security.
But Barbara was supposed to be investigating the planet's native crops, not just starting a colony.
Almost all crops native to Mediterranean are produced.
It has been proposed as an inexpensive native crop that could be cultivated by indigenous people in rural areas for several reasons:
At one point, as the native crop was scarce one year, Harriot suggested that the Christian God would provide better for their land.
Several native crops offer local organic cuisine, and the village is known for having healthy inhabitants as a result of the food.
I shall push native development and native crops.